1: Elevate your Jiffy Corn Bread with honey for a touch of sweetness.

2: Add fresh corn kernels for extra texture and flavor in your corn bread.

3: Jazz up your Jiffy Corn Bread with shredded cheddar cheese – a delicious twist!

4: Incorporate diced jalapeños for a spicy kick in your corn bread recipe.

5: Elevate your Jiffy Corn Bread with a dollop of sour cream for added moisture.

6: Try mixing in a can of creamed corn for a creamy and rich corn bread.

7: Experiment with adding cooked bacon pieces for a savory and indulgent corn bread.

8: Upgrade your corn bread with a sprinkling of chopped green onions for freshness.

9: Enhance your Jiffy Corn Bread with a swirl of melted butter on top for a decadent finish.