1 Upgrade your Jiffy cornbread with these 9 secret ingredients. Perfect for busy moms looking for a quick and delicious meal.

2 Add a touch of honey for sweetness and moisture. It's a simple but effective way to take your cornbread to the next level.

3 Incorporate diced jalapenos for a spicy kick. It's a fun twist that will add some excitement to your usual cornbread recipe.

4 Mix in some shredded cheddar cheese for a gooey and savory addition. It will elevate your cornbread and make it even more satisfying.

5 Boost the flavor with garlic powder and onion powder. These pantry staples will add depth and complexity to your cornbread.

6 Try adding creamed corn for a creamy texture and sweet flavor. Your family will love this indulgent twist on classic cornbread.

7 Experiment with different herbs like parsley or chives. Fresh herbs will add brightness and freshness to your cornbread.

8 Don't forget to sprinkle some crispy bacon on top for a smoky and savory crunch. It's the ultimate indulgence for bacon lovers.

9 Finish off your cornbread with a drizzle of melted butter for richness and decadence. These 9 secret ingredients will make your Jiffy cornbread a hit every time.